Donations - Hero

Making change possible

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The Supporting Act Foundation is committed to empowering emerging artists and socially-engaged organizations working to make the arts more inclusive. With your help we can offer our grantees the support they deserve, giving them the means to champion diverse narratives and promote underrepresented voices.  

As a Dutch charity with ANBI status, we rely upon financial support from individuals and businesses to make the bursaries and grants we offer possible. We do all we can to ensure that each donation goes the distance when it comes to supporting emergent voices in the arts. If you want to help us pursue our mission, then please consider making a donation.

Should you wish to support the foundation via a long-term partnership then please get in touch with our team at

Thank you for your support. Whether a one-time donation, or a longterm partnership, the support of others dedicated to positive societal change in and through the arts is key to our success.

The Supporting Act Foundation

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