AFIELD is an international network of cultural changemakers from 28 countries, facilitating mutual support and collaboration.

Based on an annual fellowship, it supports artists and cultural practitioners who have initiated social projects, catalyzing change and empowering their communities in long-term and tangible ways. As well as fellowships, AFIELD provides resources in the form of discussions, mutual aid, incubation, and community building to help artists deepen and strengthen their work. Its goal is to enable discourse, theory, and the development of infrastructures for socially engaged practice through an expanding set of examples of practice “in action”.

The first library-horsecart in 2021 Fellow Nirwan Arsuka's mobile library network. © Pustaka Bergerak, Indonesia
Fellows Rojava film commune and Sevinaz Evdike (North and West Syria) filming a documentary about Kobane resistance. Image courtesy Dijwar Mousa
Fellow Yazan Khalili (Palestine). Image courtesy of Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center