shado mag CIC

shado (See.Hear.Act.Do) is a lived-experience led community of artists, activists and journalists united in the fight for social justice.

The organisation believes those with lived experience of an issue or injustice are best placed to advocate for meaningful change within that space. Shado exists to disrupt, diversify and decolonise the current arts and media landscape through amplifying the voices of people on the frontline of social change. Through connecting journalists, activists and artists across borders through collaboration, some of the global issues are covered from first-hand perspectives and include: climate justice, migration, intersectional feminism, racial justice and LGBTQI+ rights. By commissioning creatives with lived experience, the organisation aims to create a “trickle up” process of culture-led system change to disrupt power imbalances in the coverage of global issues.

Hannah and Isabella, founders of shado mag